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The Artist

As an artist with a lifelong love of the ocean and nature, I've spent the last decade traveling the world to capture breathtaking images of remote islands, wild shores, and the magnificent creatures that inhabit them. Born in Croatia and raised in South Florida, I developed an early interest in the ocean and its mysterious life. Inspired by the works of renowned ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, I immersed myself in the world of marine biology, learning about the ocean's intricate balance and the critical role it plays in supporting all life on Earth.

Reading about the ocean was not enough for me; I wanted to see this enchanted underwater world for myself. I became SCUBA certified at the age of twelve. This allowed me to explore the ocean in ways I have never experienced, the beauty and abundance of life beneath the surface left me speechless. As I continued to explore, I discovered freediving, which allowed me to move quickly and quietly in the water, getting closer to my subjects without disrupting their natural behaviors.

My love of underwater photography and freediving has led me to capture some of nature's most breathtaking moments, with every click of the shutter my work aims to capture the soul of a moment. I work with great care and respect for the wildlife I photograph, hoping to create a stronger bond between the viewer and the wildlife in my images. Every underwater photograph I take is taken one breath at a time, which allows me to be present in the moment and truly connect with nature.

I hope that my fine art photo prints will inspire others to appreciate the beauty and fragility of our natural world, as well as the importance of preserving and protecting it for future generations.

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J.A.Y. Depth Fine Art

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