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In the Pod

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As you swim, you suddenly hear a loud chorus of clicks and squeaks. It's the sound of the dolphins communicating with each other, and it fills the air with excitement. You look up and see them swimming towards you, their sleek and agile bodies glistening in the sun. You can't help but smile in awe at the sight of so many dolphins in one place.

They swim around you, some leaping out of the water and doing flips, while others swim in circles, always in perfect harmony with each other. They seem to be playing, their joy and excitement contagious. You can't help but laugh and smile as you watch them, feeling a sense of happiness wash over you.

As you swim among the mega pod, you feel a sense of connectedness to the dolphins, as if they are welcoming you into their world. They are such social creatures and seem to enjoy the company of humans, making you feel like you are part of their family.

Limited Edition 950

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J.A.Y. Depth Fine Art

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