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Double Rainbow

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The sun was setting, and the sky was changing colors of pink and purple hues, and in a few moments time a vibrant rainbow appeared in the background. This rainbow, perfectly centered behind these majestic multicolored rainbow birds known as Scarlet Macaws. It is truly a perfect moment in time. I could not believe the magic unfolding in front of my lens. Everything aligned for just a brief moment in time and I captured it. 

I did not know at the time, but this would be the last image to ever be captured at this specific macaw nest. That very same night, heavy rains and wind ultimately caused the hollowed palm nest to collapse. The next day when I returned to the location, I found the tree fallen and totally destroyed. The Macaws would now have to find a new location to call home. 

The Double Rainbow symbolizes a time of transformation and new beginnings. A few months later, I found my Macaw friends again. They had found and made a new home in another dead, hollowed out palm tree. However, this time they're not alone - Two hatchlings now join them along their journey. 

Life is not a straight line. Endings always lead to new beginnings. Just keep going, and remember to stop and take a moment to enjoy all the beauty in life. Who knows, maybe a Double Rainbow will appear... 

Limited Edition 950

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J.A.Y. Depth Fine Art

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